On 4/26 we celebrated our administrative professionals by giving them lunch and away time from our busy phones. Mr. Isadore and Mr. Pizzo took over the front desk while our very appreciated office staff enjoyed their lunch.
Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Customer Service at RHS
At RHS we pride ourselves on a gold standard of customer service. Our goal is to make sure that every person who walk through our door is valued member of our community and school. The survey data reinforced the positive interactions that we want to have with all our stakeholders.
We analyzed and discussed the data as an administration and then presented into our office staff. They found the process enlightening. Through the data we hope to focus on specific areas and goals for next year to improve our customer service.
On 4/26 we celebrated our administrative professionals by giving them lunch and away time from our busy phones. Mr. Isadore and Mr. Pizzo took over the front desk while our very appreciated office staff enjoyed their lunch.
On 4/26 we celebrated our administrative professionals by giving them lunch and away time from our busy phones. Mr. Isadore and Mr. Pizzo took over the front desk while our very appreciated office staff enjoyed their lunch.
Mayor Pete Sanchez Visits RHS
On April 5th Mayor of Suisun City, Pete Sanchez, came and spoke to our students being honored for their academics. He toured the school and participated in our assembly. Mayor Sanchez even started to pull out money from his own wallet during our raffle to celebrate our students academic success.
RHS Attendance Goals for 2016 - 17
At RHS the administrative team and the attendance team are happy to see the improvement we have made this year. As we look at 2016 - 17 we have decided to focus on 3 areas to improve our attendance.
- Targeted Intervention for 11th & 12th Graders - Intervention for our juniors and seniors who are in danger of not graduating is important component to improving our attendance. We have found that many of our attendance issues for our 11th & 12th graders are related to students giving up because they feel they are not going to graduate. Our hope is to address their academic concern so they understand coming to school is a vital component.
- Communication of Short Term Independent Study - Next year the attendance team plans to proactively communicate to parents via Twitter, autodialer, and webpage about the Short Term IDS option. We will blast information out prior to peak times (Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break).
- PBIS Integration - RHS has started the first tier of PBIS this year. As we move into the second year one of our focus of the RHS Way will be teaching the importance of attendance. Offering positive behavior interventions will hopefully be an incentive for student attendance while teaching students about the data and research that is out there about attendance will show them that attendance is an important competent of academic success.
RHS PBIS Progress
The staff and the team is excited about this process.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Teaching Rubrics
Examples of Anna Kyle teaching rubrics used to set writing expectations and support them to identify the necessary elements.

Teach For Success Instructional Practice
At our Staff Meeting on Tuesday, April 5th, we compared the fall/spring sweeps data and identified academic conversations as the T4S Instructional Practice for us to own and master during the 2016-2017 school year. Our SPSA includes an action step focusing on academic conversations and related funding for instructional walks.
Anna Kyle,
Teach for Success
Parent Engagement Post
We are pleased to announce that all of our parent engagement funding has been exhausted! We thoroughly enjoyed providing our families with the Parent Institute of Quality Education!
Anna Kyle,
Parent Engagement
PBIS Next Steps
We met with JP on Thursday, March 17th. Next steps that were determined are for our site to complete the remainder of our Year 1 implementation and begin to implement the SWIS network prior to the end of the 2015-2016 school year.
Customer Service Surveys Discussion
Anna Kyle’s customer service surveys were discussed at our April 7th Leadership Team meeting The discussion provided valuable information and key points for reflection and dialogue that was addressed by staff.
Anna Kyle,
Customer Service
Community Engagement Photo and Post
We invited Kim Marshall to visit Anna Kyle on April 13th and we had him present at our ELAC meeting. Mr. Marshall shared information about the Fairfield Community Service Foundation and the resources available to our school community. After the meeting, Mr. Marshall visited several classrooms with Steve Phillips and learned about the various programs that we have to offer at Anna Kyle.
Anna Kyle,
Community Engagement
2016-2017 School Year Attendance Plan at Anna Kyle
Anna Kyle will continue to implement our attendance incentives during the 2016-2017 school year. These programs include a monthly attendance data bulletin board that is visible in our front hallway, a perfect attendance bulletin board in our cafeteria that is updated each trimester, acknowledgement of the highest grade level percentage each month, individual teacher recognition for having the highest percentage each month, and acknowledging any class that met the school wide goal each month!
We will also be incorporating a set of letters, from the Count Us In Toolkit, that will go out in August 2016 to our highest attendance offenders from the previous school year. This will allow us to be proactive with these families, and communicate with them prior to school starting. We will also implement a monthly drawing for those teachers that had perfect attendance within their own attendance.
Anna Kyle,
Assessment Evidence
Steve attended the Illuminate Site Admininstrator Training on Wednesday, April 6th from 8:00-11:00 and Amy attended the Illuminate Site Administrator Training on Thursday, April 7th from 8:00-11:00.
Anna Kyle,
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Customer Service
We used paper surveys to collect data due to the availability of Chromebooks/laptops and the results are as follows:
The school has a clean and welcoming environment:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 1
Agree: 3
Strongly Agree: 14
Parent and community information is accessible:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 5
Agree: 12
Strongly Agree: 1
I received a friendly greeting from office staff:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 0
Agree: 1
Strongly Agree: 17
My needs were met:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 2
Agree: 3
Strongly Agree: 13
The school has a clean and welcoming environment:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 1
Agree: 3
Strongly Agree: 14
Parent and community information is accessible:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 5
Agree: 12
Strongly Agree: 1
I received a friendly greeting from office staff:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 0
Agree: 1
Strongly Agree: 17
My needs were met:
Not at all: 0
Somewhat: 2
Agree: 3
Strongly Agree: 13
Customer Service,
Matt Garcia CCA
Technology Vision
Matt Garcia Career and College Academy integrates technology into the daily routine of every class to connect students with colleges, explore careers, and teach 21st century organization and communication skills.
Matt Garcia CCA,
Friday, April 15, 2016
Compare:Comparison of our Fall/Spring Sweeps Comparison Data has been discussed at our Staff Meeting and in weekly newsletter to staff.
Staff has chosen as their T4S goal to own and master "Academic Conversations" during the 2016-2017 school year.
Action Step:
Teacher Cohort will present Professional Development at Staff Meeting.
Customer Service
Our Front Office Staff did an outstanding job on the recent Customer Service Survey! They provide Gold Standard service to our families, students and community members. Results of the survey have been shared with them and they have been congratulated on a job well done!Community Engagement
On April 14th Solano Community College Professor (who leads the school's Agriculture Department) and his students came for a visit of our school. They were taken on a tour of our school, our garden and spoke with teachers. We have a wonderful partnership with Solano Community College!
Attendance Plan for 2016-2017
As we prepare for next year our plans include:
- Over the summer send home Welcome Back postcards to all families. Postcards will let families know when school begins - date and times, Back to School Night information, and school website information:
- Arrange meetings at the beginning of the new school year with families who have previously had truancy problems. Try to come up with a game plan with families to get students to school and improve attendance.
- Beginning in August we will restart our weekly/monthly attendance incentives for students. We will let students know about the contests during our Monday morning announcement slides and in our monthly newsletter.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
T4S Data and Goals
The Leadership team looked closely at the T4S Spring sweep data. We have committed to raising our Academic Conversations to 70% in the fall. In addition, we want to increase the number of classrooms with students working at a DOK 2 or higher to 85%. To support these goals, we will organize a cohort of teacher experts to help plan and implement professional development, time to collaborate with grade level teams, and substitutes to assist with visiting other classrooms. This information will be brought to the staff at our next staff meeting.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Here are some sample rubrics teachers at Cleo Gordon are using to support writing instruction with our students.
4th Grade |
Second Grade |
Kindergarten |
Cleo Gordon,
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Customer Service
The Cleo Gordon staff discussed the Customer Service results at their April 5th staff meeting. Highlights were that there was little discrepancy between the English and Spanish surveys indicating that we are truly servicing all of our families. There was some comment to the ease of dropping off and picking up students. The staff knows this is a concern for many of our parents. The conversation around customer service was a good reminder that the small things make a big difference to many of our families who attend Cleo.
Parent Engagement
We have spent our funds on items to be purchased by students at the Parent Passport Store. Each time a parent is involved on campus, they receive "Parent Pay." The students go shopping with the pay their families earned.
A Family Literacy Night was hosted, and we have purchased materials to help train parents in the 7 habits of the Leader in Me. We are hosting a Parent Appreciation Tea in May and purchased items to give the parents who have supported the school all year long. We are supporting the Family Festival in May by helping fund this event as well.
Must Be Present to Win
Cleo Gordon will continue to implement our attendance incentives during the 2016-2017 school year. We will display our weekly attendance by grade level highlighting levels that meet our goal. Morning announcements and weekend messengers will included celebrations of classes and grade levels that meet our goals. Individuals who "Must be Present to Win" will continue to be surprised with daily treats. Classes with 100% attendance for the week will be provided special celebrations. We will continue to host parent forums on the topic of attendance including meeting with TK and K parents before school starts to inform them of the attendance guidelines.
We will also be incorporating a set of letters, from the Count Us In Toolkit, that will go out in August 2016 to our highest attendance offenders from the previous year. This will allow us to be proactive with those families, and work with them even prior to school starting.
Cleo Gordon
The CLEO staff has all participated in training on the implementation of SBAC and have received their TOMS accounts.
Megan attended the Illuminate training on Thursday, April 7th from 8:00-11:00. The Cleo Gordon Assessment Program Manager will attend a training and together, they will start planning how to best utilize Illuminate to create reports for the site to plan future professional development opportunities.
Megan attended the Illuminate training on Thursday, April 7th from 8:00-11:00. The Cleo Gordon Assessment Program Manager will attend a training and together, they will start planning how to best utilize Illuminate to create reports for the site to plan future professional development opportunities.
Cleo Gordon
PBIS Next Steps for PSA
The original PBIS plan was for PSA to be in a cohort for the 2016-2017 school year. However, we are in a "holding pattern," as the availability of resources and support are determined. J.P. and I met April 6th to determine possible "next steps." We have developed a plan for steps that can be taken with the staff to "lay the groundwork" in preparation for implementing PBIS, if and when the resources are available. The PSA team will begin the foundational work prior to the end of the school year.
Public Safety Academy
Outstanding Customer Service
Congratulations to the PSA staff for earning high marks on the Customer Service survey. The Secretary, Monika Garay, and Attendance Clerk, Elizabeth Gore, are on the "front line" when it comes to serving staff, cadets, and family and community members. No matter how busy the office may be, they greet everyone promptly with smiles and are always friendly and helpful. Our Campus Monitor, Jennifer Ochoa, and Noon Duty Supervisors, Noel Reilly, Fatima Saavedra, and Elise Banks, also assist with answering questions, directing guests, and helping cadets on campus. To express appreciation and to celebrate their great customer service, they were recently treated to a pizza lunch!
Customer Service,
Public Safety Academy
We've Been Illuminated
My soon-to-be Assistant Principal, Katie Hawkins, joined me at the Illuminate Training April 7, 2016. We can't wait to get the staff trained! This will especially be useful as we move forward in creating our school-wide formative assessment plan.
We're also ready for this year's CAASPP. We will be testing school-wide, so all teachers have signed the affidavit and TOMS accounts have been created. Our site coordinator, Alison Ankerstar, provided CAASPP Administration Training at our April staff meeting, and we are ready to go!
Public Safety Academy
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
After reviewing the fall and spring SWEEPS data the staff at MGCCA collectively agreed to focus on DOK for the 2016-2017 school year since increased rigor will be our #1 goal area. Teachers requested classroom/school visits to see what a classroom that operates at DOK 3+ looks like as well as PD on how to create lessons that go beyond an average of DOK 2.
Matt Garcia CCA,
Teach for Success
Attendance Plan 2016-2017
MGCCA has three main focus areas: academics, behavior and attendance. For the 2016-2017 MGCCA intends to continue the positive message of every student being at school every day and on time by doing the following: a message on the daily announcements about our school's focus on attendance, offering a Friday reward to every student as they leave for the weekend when we have had 100% attendance for the week. Individual recognition at monthly student assemblies for students who have perfect attendance as well as recognition on our website. When an entire grade receives perfect attendance for a month they will receive a pizza party at the end of the month as well as a free dress pass.
Matt Garcia CCA
Monday, April 4, 2016
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