- Targeted Intervention for 11th & 12th Graders - Intervention for our juniors and seniors who are in danger of not graduating is important component to improving our attendance. We have found that many of our attendance issues for our 11th & 12th graders are related to students giving up because they feel they are not going to graduate. Our hope is to address their academic concern so they understand coming to school is a vital component.
- Communication of Short Term Independent Study - Next year the attendance team plans to proactively communicate to parents via Twitter, autodialer, and webpage about the Short Term IDS option. We will blast information out prior to peak times (Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break).
- PBIS Integration - RHS has started the first tier of PBIS this year. As we move into the second year one of our focus of the RHS Way will be teaching the importance of attendance. Offering positive behavior interventions will hopefully be an incentive for student attendance while teaching students about the data and research that is out there about attendance will show them that attendance is an important competent of academic success.
Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Friday, April 29, 2016
RHS Attendance Goals for 2016 - 17
At RHS the administrative team and the attendance team are happy to see the improvement we have made this year. As we look at 2016 - 17 we have decided to focus on 3 areas to improve our attendance.