On 4/26 we celebrated our administrative professionals by giving them lunch and away time from our busy phones. Mr. Isadore and Mr. Pizzo took over the front desk while our very appreciated office staff enjoyed their lunch.
Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Customer Service at RHS
At RHS we pride ourselves on a gold standard of customer service. Our goal is to make sure that every person who walk through our door is valued member of our community and school. The survey data reinforced the positive interactions that we want to have with all our stakeholders.
We analyzed and discussed the data as an administration and then presented into our office staff. They found the process enlightening. Through the data we hope to focus on specific areas and goals for next year to improve our customer service.
On 4/26 we celebrated our administrative professionals by giving them lunch and away time from our busy phones. Mr. Isadore and Mr. Pizzo took over the front desk while our very appreciated office staff enjoyed their lunch.
On 4/26 we celebrated our administrative professionals by giving them lunch and away time from our busy phones. Mr. Isadore and Mr. Pizzo took over the front desk while our very appreciated office staff enjoyed their lunch.