Response to Intervention or RTI is a pivotal piece of any school campus. It is essential that as educators we are constantly engaged in progress monitoring to determine what is and isn't working for our students. At FHS we offer a core replacement reading intervention, EDGE, for our incoming 9th graders that are more than three years below grade level in reading. This year we also created an English lab support for our 9th graders in Springboard that needed some additional scaffolding in order to better access the rigorous curriculum. In math we are providing both a traditional Math 1 lab support and a C-STEM math lab support this year. Our C-STEM math lab support incorporates the basics of computer coding and robotics in order to provide students another avenue to develop their Math 1 skills. We realize that our interventions need to be constantly evaluated for effectiveness.
We additionally are offering PLATO credit recovery after school for students that need to make up credits or validate their grades for college acceptance. The students that are enrolled in PLATO are making good progress in their credit recovery. In addition to PLATO we have a traditional Math 1 credit recovery course after school that is working on making up credits and building the math knowledge base for students that were unsuccessful in Math 1 first semester.
Below you will see a snapshot of our Assessment Calendar at Fairfield High.