EVERY classroom teacher has a SOAR poster that is unique to their setting but supports the tenets of SOAR: Safe, Organized, Always Respectful, and Responsible. Below are two examples of SOAR posters.
Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Falcons SOAR with PBIS @FHS
Falcons SOAR with PBIS at Fairfield High. This year Fairfield High has jumped into year one of PBIS with a lot of enthusiasm. We have a solid PBIS Team that includes teachers, administration, classified staff, a parent, a school counselor, and our school psychologist. We see the great need to develop everyone's understanding of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and therefore we have the PBIS team as a staple presentation at each of our staff meetings. The team is working hard to build trust and understanding. The team utilizes comment boxes on campus as well as direct feedback from staff members in order to develop next steps that have the support of the staff as a whole.
EVERY classroom teacher has a SOAR poster that is unique to their setting but supports the tenets of SOAR: Safe, Organized, Always Respectful, and Responsible. Below are two examples of SOAR posters.
EVERY classroom teacher has a SOAR poster that is unique to their setting but supports the tenets of SOAR: Safe, Organized, Always Respectful, and Responsible. Below are two examples of SOAR posters.
Fairfield High,