Our 7th grade students will be taking the CA Healthy Kids Survey beginning the week of March 14th. If you DO NOT want your student to take this quick online survey, please email Mrs. Cherry here to let her know and she will send you the opt out form!
We appreciate you! Thank you to the WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) that come before school to help make connections and supervise our kids! Interested in joining their squad?? Email Mrs. Cherry HERE to get involved and hang out with some fabulous middle school students!
Special thank you to PTC BOARD MEMBERS for coming to 6th grade orientation this past Wednesday! We always appreciate your support for our students and staff! Want to get involved or have something FABULOUS to donate for the Spring Fling coming up on April 30? Please email GVMS PTC here and let them know! We appreciate ALL DONATIONS to raise money for more technology and student support services on campus!!!
Attention all parents! We have a mobile dentist, Smile Programs, is coming to GVMS on April 8! Parents will be getting the permission slip as a hard copy next week so be on the look out! We are happy to offer
I know we have said it before and we will say it again: PLEASE check your student's phone and see what apps they have loaded. The pictures that were attached to the weekly newsletter and also take a look at THIS ARTICLE to get even more information.
Do you know what your Viking student is watching on YouTube? Take a look at what they are watching and what they have access to HERE and keep informed!
Did you know that our teens have access to adult dating apps online? There are some great resources to understand how to chat with your teen/tween about dating and who is out there on the Internet....