Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Oakbrook Election! In the pirmaries Academic Conversation swept the delegate votes for 2016-2017!
Teach for Success
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Customer Service at CHE
In February, both the School Secretary and and Office/Attendance Clerk participated in the Customer Service Training offered by NBSIA in hopes of upping our level of awesomeness at the front office!
Cordelia Hills,
Customer Service
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Perfect Attendance Awards
In February we honored all students with perfect attendance during our ROAR assembly for both Middle and Elementary students. We gave them a gift certificate to a local restaurant as well.

B. Gale Wilson
Community Engagement

B. Gale Wilson,
Community Engagement
Writing at B. Gale Wilson
Mr. Khan completed the Writing Survey last Monday 3/7
B. Gale Wilson,
Customer Service at BGW
During the Month of February we had parent volunteers in the front office with Chromebooks getting people to take the Customer Service Survey. Our big one was on Feb. 18 during parent teacher conferences, we had our counselor give the survey as an exit ticket for our parents on the way out. We also took time at SSC, ELAC, and PTO take the survey.
B. Gale Wilson,
Customer Service
Monday, March 7, 2016
Technology at B. Gale Wilson
These are some of the samples of materials that have been on the weekly staff blog for the last 5 weeks or more like this article here.
B. Gale Wilson,
FSUSD Writing Rubric Bank - Examples of Rubrics used in our schools
This link will take you to a folder that holds examples of rubrics used in our schools.
Technology is moving at GVMS!!
After meeting with Tim Goree and Melissa Farrar, GVMS is on the right track for ensuring that we are a 2:1 school! We have three more classes to outfit with Chrome Books and every classroom has updated technology! We have at least 15 Apple TVs on campus and our goal is to have TVs in each room next year! Our retreat on August 11 will focus completely on technology and we plan to work with Ed Tech to ensure we have a great training!
Reaching out!
GVMS is thrilled to report that we have reached out to all foster and homeless youth! We have provided materials and resources including help within our community to support parents at home!
Customer Service...Next Steps
The Customer Service Team is ready to move forward with a new goal! Please complete your surveys and spend some time with the data. We are asking each site to celebrate or have a conversation with their staff regarding the findings.
If you have any questions, please let us know! Aaron, Clarence, Anjam, Danny, Megan, and Rona are here to help!
If you have any questions, please let us know! Aaron, Clarence, Anjam, Danny, Megan, and Rona are here to help!
Customer Service
Writing at CHE
3 weeks ago, of the 22 classrooms at CHE, only 17 had any current writing. Of those, only 3 rubrics were displayed.
Last week, 20 classrooms had current writing, and 15 of them had rubrics!
Cordelia Hills,
Parent Involvement at CHE
Cordelia Hills Elementary School
March 2016
Jeff Kubiak, Principal
School Mission –
“Cordelia Hills Elementary, a community-based school, commits to innovative educational opportunities and developing resilient students who are inspired to succeed.”
Message from Jeff Kubiak, Principal
Hello All!
Early March marks the end of our grading period for the second trimester. Parent conferences will be scheduled on March 16th, 17th, and 18th for those students who are performing below standards, or as needed. Please check with your children to see how they are progressing on their goals.
The school year is zooming by, with only about 56 days remaining! Please continue to do your best with bringing you child to school ON TIME, and EVERY DAY! Attendance is not only important ALL year, but especially as we near Spring Break and end of year activities and assessments.
The school year is zooming by, with only about 56 days remaining! Please continue to do your best with bringing you child to school ON TIME, and EVERY DAY! Attendance is not only important ALL year, but especially as we near Spring Break and end of year activities and assessments.
Our Monthly Pyramid Trait is “TEAM SPIRIT”, which is nicely defined as: “feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together”.
The next Parent/Principal Coffee chat is on April 11th, from 8:15-9:00am. I hope more than 3 people attend. I really appreciate and enjoy the ability to share news and updates with all parents.
Please keep the following dates open: April 12 for Family Science Night, April 20 for Family Reading Night, and May 20 for our ANNUAL COYOTE HOWL fundraiser and night of awesomeness!
Thanks for all you do!
Mr. K
Thanks for all you do!
Mr. K
Did you get the Text?!
PLEASE join our REMIND group
By texting 81010 and entering @cordeli in the message area.
This will keep you up to date on the happenings @Cordelia Hills!
Remember to follow us!:
Twitter: @cordeliahills, @principalkubiak
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SBAC/CST TESTING IS COMING CST Science 5th: April 11-15
SBAC: Grade 3-5: April 18-May 27
Also, we would like to encourage students to try the SBAC Practice Test. Visit FSUSD’s website for updated information on testing practice: http://www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/index.html
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Kindergarten Registration Began On: Monday, January 25
Registration Hours at Cordelia Hills: 9am – 2pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
9am – 12noon (Wednesday)
MUST Bring: Birth Certificate
Shot Record
Address Verification (2 forms: PG&E, Water, Garbage, Cable or mortgage payment)
Registration is to be done on line – go to the FSUSD website – complete the online registration, print it out and bring it in to the school office along with the items listed above.
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Daily attendance is very important at all grade levels. A child who is not at school is not receiving the step-by-step instruction that is needed for optimal learning. Absences are excused for illness, dentist or doctor appointments, and a death in the immediate family. Any other absence is an unexcused absence. When your child is absent, please notify the school office of the reason or send a note with your child upon his/her return to school. All absences that are not verified will automatically become unexcused. Tardiness not only causes your child to miss instruction, but also distracts the rest of the class, as the teacher has to repeat instructions when the class is interrupted. In case of tardiness, the child must check into the office for a tardy slip before reporting to class.
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March - Character Trait / Attribute “Team Spirit“
March 9 7:00pm – PTA Meeting, Library
March 14 Character Trait/Attribute Assembly (Team Spirit)
March 16 – 18 MINIMUM DAYS – Parent/Teacher Conferences
Kindergarten Release – 11:35am
1st-5th grade Release – 11:40am
March 17 ![C:\Users\sandif\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\182F0UAO\happyStPatricks[1].png](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Gvek0dvPdOsR8CQPVa629j4ZRzqM6c1GcWtYCwm5m-3PRKktKGfeJ8T74cG-slQrFancLWHKUv8ujeI5MI4z1lijLbyQLf6LX_xOg-7Eih8iv_GNDGtC7tZGEyu9jlkeGu5qpyo8qZ5iOANmwA)
March 18 Spirit Day – Career Day
March 21 – 28
Spring Break
March 29 Students Return to School
March 30 9:00am – 1st-4th grade Assembly – Healthy Eating/Active Living
March 31 BIG Smiles Dental Visit – all day
Box Tops & Labels for Education Collection Day
Students of the Month
February – Fitness / Skill
Alejo Amaya
Dante Arciosa
Bailey Bellamy
Suraj Binning
Angelique Boot
Brian Boot
Amara Burris
Miguel Anthony Calara
Nasir Callahan
Natalie Coffman
Nikolai Dela Cruz
Isabella Diaz
Ethan Dioquino
Devin Ebuen
Leila Galten
Justin Benedict Guisihan
Jaylen Hamilton
Erica Huang
Logan Jimenez
Rylee Leo-Guerrero
Skylar Linnet
Maya Lopez
Moses Montano
Shaian Montgomery
Da’maynie Nelson-Wilson
Elijah Nichols
Isaac Padilla
Jada Quinn
Trevor Christian Rafael
Samreet Rai
Constantino Ramirez
Jared Roi Retiro
Jerold Retiro
James Roberts III
Olivia Saldana
Ashneil Singh
Namah Singh
Nicasio Taberanza
Gurshan Thind
Syrus Valle
James Walker
Cordelia Hills,
Parent Engagement
Foster Youth@CHE
I have reached out to all of our Foster Youth and Families at CHE. The families are very thankful for the support and resources that I have provided.
One thing that is really important to the foster kiddos is that our staff consistently talks about them being a permanent part of the CHE family and community. This helps with some Growth Mindset and stability in a child's eyes
One thing that is really important to the foster kiddos is that our staff consistently talks about them being a permanent part of the CHE family and community. This helps with some Growth Mindset and stability in a child's eyes
Cordelia Hills,
Foster Youth
Foster Youth @ Root
In reaching out to our foster youth family, we were able to celebrate that 2 of the 12 students have been adopted. Working with our foster families is always very rewarding!
Dan O. Root,
Foster Youth
Parent Involvement at GVMS
Our 7th grade students will be taking the CA Healthy Kids Survey beginning the week of March 14th. If you DO NOT want your student to take this quick online survey, please email Mrs. Cherry here to let her know and she will send you the opt out form!
We appreciate you! Thank you to the WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) that come before school to help make connections and supervise our kids! Interested in joining their squad?? Email Mrs. Cherry HERE to get involved and hang out with some fabulous middle school students!
Special thank you to PTC BOARD MEMBERS for coming to 6th grade orientation this past Wednesday! We always appreciate your support for our students and staff! Want to get involved or have something FABULOUS to donate for the Spring Fling coming up on April 30? Please email GVMS PTC here and let them know! We appreciate ALL DONATIONS to raise money for more technology and student support services on campus!!!
Attention all parents! We have a mobile dentist, Smile Programs, is coming to GVMS on April 8! Parents will be getting the permission slip as a hard copy next week so be on the look out! We are happy to offer
I know we have said it before and we will say it again: PLEASE check your student's phone and see what apps they have loaded. The pictures that were attached to the weekly newsletter and also take a look at THIS ARTICLE to get even more information.
Do you know what your Viking student is watching on YouTube? Take a look at what they are watching and what they have access to HERE and keep informed!
Did you know that our teens have access to adult dating apps online? There are some great resources to understand how to chat with your teen/tween about dating and who is out there on the Internet....
Community/Parent Involvement at GVMS
Over the weekend, I was able to read THIS great article that we ALL know about middle school students. I am sharing it with the teachers too and wanted to pass it along to our families. It truly shares some things you need to know!
Rodriguez High School Orientation and Information Night for INCOMING 8th graders is TUESDAY, MARCH 1ST FROM 5:30-7:30! Don't miss out! We know that our 8th graders have had a great time at Shadow Day as well!
Also, new student orientation for GREEN VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL incoming 6th graders will be help WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ND FROM 6-7 in our gym!
Did you know that there are a LOT of activities here after school and on the weekends? We have City of Fairfield Basketball, Club Wrestling, C3 Community Church, Tri Valley Little League, and Club Ballers. If you want more info on any, stop by our office! We are ALWAYS a busy school!
WARNING! WARNING! DANGER! DANGER! PLEASE monitor your Viking's Social Media account! We have MORE AND MORE students complaining that they are being harassed or bullied on social media (and many that are contributing to this sadly) and parents are COMPLETELY unaware. PLEASE check your child's phone and take a look at THIS GREAT ARTICLE to see what you need to know!
We also found THIS GREAT ARTICLE that guides parents on responsible ways to have students search for information on the Internet. Take a look!
Additionally, PLEASE take a moment to read this article. Do YOU know the 9 Social Media Red Flags that Parents Should Know About? YOUR Vikings does. Trust me. EVERY parent should know about and look for these listed within the article.
Have you already talked to them about "sexting"? If not, here are some ideas on how to start...
Are you struggling with ways to support your Viking with math? Need some ideas yourself? Take a look at the 12 Great Math Apps for Students of All Ages to get some ideas and help!
Also, new student orientation for GREEN VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL incoming 6th graders will be help WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ND FROM 6-7 in our gym!
Armijo High School is having ONE more IB Program Info Night on Tuesday, February 23rd at 6 PM in the AHS Library for all interested 8th graders and their families. If your student is interested in attending IB, please attend this info meeting if you haven't already attended one!
Did you know that there are a LOT of activities here after school and on the weekends? We have City of Fairfield Basketball, Club Wrestling, C3 Community Church, Tri Valley Little League, and Club Ballers. If you want more info on any, stop by our office! We are ALWAYS a busy school!
We have a new club in town! Welcome "Vikings Against Tobacco" Club that meets under the guidance of Mrs. Love, 7th grade science. They recently put together this video warning others of the dangers of tobacco! Take a look!
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