Staff Meeting Agenda
2/2/16 3:00-4:00* in Rm. 12
*probationary teachers will stick around
for 30 minutes of training on eval tool
-We will celebrate staff members’ good
-We will discuss nuts and bolts
-We will review our T4S
sweeps data from the Fall
-Probationary Teachers will
remain 30 minutes longer for Evaluation tool training
1) Kudos-Dave M./Staff (10 minutes)
2) Nuts and Bolts- (15 minutes)
a) District Writing
b) Second Benchmark Window
is Feb. 1-12
c) Six Flags Reading
Challenge –
d) PTC Read-a-thon
e) Progress Notes have gone
f) Time to start thinking of
next year…spending priorities…
3) T4S Data Dialogue- (30 minutes)
a) Look at data from Fall
b) What do you notice?
c) What are some next steps.
T4S Spring Sweeps 2/29-3/11
4) Good of the order…