Laurel Creek continues to focus on attendance on a regular basis through contests and incentives. Captain America makes regular visits to classes who have perfect attendance! For each day a class has perfect attendance, they earn a star on the SuperHERO bulletin board. When the class has earned enough stars to spell SUPERHERO, Captain America visits the class!
Be an Attendance Super
HERO! - Here,

It's It company has been so gracious to provide us with treats for students who have been chosen by their teachers for improved attendance or improving tardies. We have an
It's It party at the end of each month!
We also award the class that has the best monthly attendance at each grade level a certificate and the opportunity to display "the attendance baton." The class with the best overall attendance is awarded a trophy to keep in their classroom for the month.
And lastly, thanks to the kindness of Wal-Mart, our PTA is able to award bicycles to 1 boy and 1 girl who have had perfect attendance for that trimester!