Monday, January 11, 2016

Now Introducing Mr. Henry Wong

Hello everyone. I am the new Vice Principal at Sheldon Academy and look forward to meeting and working with all of you this school year. Previously, I taught at Cleo Gordon for the last 11 years and now find myself continuing my work at Sheldon Academy.

Before I begin though, I wanted to begin with a memoriam of David Bowie.

Now to the business of Response to Intervention, our task force goal is:

By June 2016, each school site will have an intervention block built into their daily instructional schedule as evidenced by submitted 2016-17 bell schedules.

The role you play in helping us achieve this goal:

1. Complete survey - One site admin per site will complete the initial survey regarding RtI systems. Complete RtI Survey Here

2. Each school site will share their site based assessment plans/schedule.