First, we have our quarterly triple A awards. These awards focus on the categories of achievement (grades), attitude, and attendance. Those students that have perfect-perfect attendance (no tardies or absences) are awarded at a quarterly ceremony in front of their peers and parents.
Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Attendance at Grange
At Grange we have two different incentive programs we are using this year to help us focus on attendance.
First, we have our quarterly triple A awards. These awards focus on the categories of achievement (grades), attitude, and attendance. Those students that have perfect-perfect attendance (no tardies or absences) are awarded at a quarterly ceremony in front of their peers and parents.
Our second program is new this year and is intended to help us address our chronically absent students. Each quarter we look at a list of students that were chronically absent, break them into smaller groups and each assistant principal and counselor take a group. We then check in with these students and offer incentives for students attending school. Incentives include an out to lunch early pass or treat of their choice.
First, we have our quarterly triple A awards. These awards focus on the categories of achievement (grades), attitude, and attendance. Those students that have perfect-perfect attendance (no tardies or absences) are awarded at a quarterly ceremony in front of their peers and parents.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Focus on Attendance
We've been maintaining a focus on improving attendance all year. Throughout Attendance Awareness Month, I posted information about the importance of regular school attendance from each week in the family newsletter. At PSA, we've implemented monthly incentives, as well as recognition for improved attendance. Conferences with individual students, who are identified as "chronically absent" is helping us identify barriers to attendance and provide supports. Additionally, reminders regarding attendance are put in the family blog bimonthly. Here is an example from a recent blog post:
Attendance Matters
As we move into 2016, we continue to focus on improved attendance. Absences (even excused absences) add up and can negatively impact student success. Check out the research on the impact of absenteeism at in the "research" section. The site also has parent resources and ideas for supporting students in maintaining good school attendance.
Public Safety Academy
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Self Diagnosed ADHD Director of EL and IS - Howard Kornblum
Thank goodness for Melissa Farrar! She provided one-on-one time to help me learn how to blog!! Broken hearted over a missed extra point!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
PBIS Coming to PSA
I am excited that PSA will be part of PBIS Cohort 3, beginning next year. My secretary, Monika Garay, and I met with J. P. Grelet 1/20/15 to discuss "next steps" toward implementation of PBIS at Public Safety Academy. J. P. will be presenting an overview of PBIS to the entire staff on February 24, 2016, and then we'll begin getting our team together. We can't wait to get started!!
Public Safety Academy
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Attendance is where its at!
Supporting T4S!
Welcome to our work with best practices through Teach 4 Success! It is exciting to work with such a fine group of people to study best practices for our team here at FSUSD.
Contributing Editor,
Teach for Success
Technology Rocks!
Hi Everyone!
I'm so excited to be part of this incredible admin team! I can't wait to see how this collaborative effort makes our schools even better for our students!
I'm so excited to be part of this incredible admin team! I can't wait to see how this collaborative effort makes our schools even better for our students!
Rebecca Dinwiddie
Assistant Principal
Nelda Mundy Elementary School
Monday, January 11, 2016
Introducing Amy Chavez
I am so glad to be a contributing editor to this blog. I am currently the assistant principal at Anna Kyle. I look forward to reading all that my colleagues have to share and say regarding our task force. I am excited to work with my team and share all of our great ideas with you!
Amy Chavez
Assistant Principal Anna Kyle Elementary
(707) 421-4105

Amy Chavez
Assistant Principal Anna Kyle Elementary
(707) 421-4105
Anna Kyle,
Contributing Editor
Introducing Bev Harrison
Hello all! My name is Bev Harrison, and I am currently serving as the assistant principal for the second year at Laurel Creek Elementary. We have so many great things going on at our school! Please visit our website to check them out, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter! @LCSharks
(707) 421-4291
I am a member of the Assessment Task Force, and I look forward to sharing great ideas with everyone on this blog.
(707) 421-4291

Laurie Halcomb - PBIS Task Force

Contributing Editor,
Public Safety Academy
Introducing Jas- Just Jus Wright
Hi I am Jas. I am the Principal at Suisun Valley. This is my fifth year at Suisun Valley. If you would like to visit our Agri-Science program I would love for you to come visit our school.
Jas aka Jus
Visit our school website to learn more about our Agri-Science program
Jas aka Jus
Visit our school website to learn more about our Agri-Science program
A Few Tidbits Concerning Steve Phillips
Welcome to my world! It is a pleasure to be partaking in this blog- the first I have participated in. I look forward to using this tool to accomplish and share out the work I am completing as a member of the T4S Task Force. As principal of Anna Kyle, I find great value in the impact T4S has on student learning. My group will be sharing out resources to support each of the focuses of the new instrument!
Steve Phillips
Twitter: @AnnaKyleElem
Steve Phillips
Twitter: @AnnaKyleElem
Anna Kyle,
Contributing Editor,
Teach for Success
Agenda for Assessment January 11, 2016
Assessment Task Force Group
January 2016
After discussing good news with the process of the Writing Assessment, our group was able to complete THIS AGENDA with links and supports for the upcoming SBAC Assessment.
Teachers, staff and admin must also sign up for PD in order to sign up here for training in setting up your SBAC schedule and more!
A new contributor to blogging
Nice to work with technology that I haven't worked with before. I am looking forward to working with my customer service task force group in finding ways to not only highlight the great customer service out there within the district, but find ideas and ways to foster it with staff and increase customer service in authentic ways. Contributing to and using blogging will allow us to share ideas in between the times we are meeting together.
Anjam Khan
Assistant Principal
B. Gale Wilson
Anjam Khan
Assistant Principal
B. Gale Wilson
My first contribution to this blog
Greetings, fellow administrators- At Grange Middle School we are very excited about our projects for Spring 2016. We are actively preparing for our 1:1 Device roll-out, scheduled for Wednesday, January 20th. All 1,100 + students will be assigned a ChromeBook device to use throughout their day. We are so pleased to be reaching this tech milestone and appreciate the support of district staff to help make it possible! Check out the school website if you're interested in other activities and programs at Grange. I am serving on the Community Engagement Task Force
Follow me on Twitter: @principal439
Follow me on Twitter: @principal439
Now Introducing Mr. Henry Wong
Hello everyone. I am the new Vice Principal at Sheldon Academy and look forward to meeting and working with all of you this school year. Previously, I taught at Cleo Gordon for the last 11 years and now find myself continuing my work at Sheldon Academy.Before I begin though, I wanted to begin with a memoriam of David Bowie.
Now to the business of Response to Intervention, our task force goal is:
By June 2016, each school site will have an intervention block built into their daily instructional schedule as evidenced by submitted 2016-17 bell schedules.
The role you play in helping us achieve this goal:
1. Complete survey - One site admin per site will complete the initial survey regarding RtI systems. Complete RtI Survey Here
2. Each school site will share their site based assessment plans/schedule.
Contributing Editor,
Sheldon Academy
Drum Roll Please!!!
Hello everyone, my name is Tracy Lewis and I am pleased to be apart of the amazing team of administrators in this blog. I serve as the assistant principal at Cleo Gordon. As a first time blogger I'm excited to share and learn.
Introducing Ann Marie Neubert
This is my second year as Principal at Suisun Elementary School.
I am thrilled to be part of the RtI task force group.
I am thrilled to be part of the RtI task force group.
Jacqueline Kearns' Blog Post
Hi Bloggers! I'm the principal of MGCCA... so glad you stopped by.
Click HERE to check out our webpage and find out more about our school! Follow us on Twitter @MattGarciaCCA.
Contributing Editor
Introducing: Cindy Brown
Ready to get going and moving forward with all the tasks at hand.
(That is the red, TASK side of me talking)
(That is the red, TASK side of me talking)
Betty and Cara are here...
Even though Melissa is the assistant director in our office....I don't know everything! Eek! Took me forever to get here...thank you Jacqueline Kearns for your help!!!
Introducing Melissa Farrar
I am so glad to be a contributing editor to this blog. I am looking forward to sharing the work of the Educational Technology Department with you this year. If you have specific questions about Educational Technology, please contact me directly.
Melissa Farrar, Ed.D.
Assistant Director of Professional Development and Education Technology
Follow me on Twitter @DrMelissaF
Follow me on Google +MelissaFarrarEdD
(707) 399-5057
Contributing Editor,
Ed Tech
Introducing Michelle Labelle-Fisch
I am excited to blog about student achievement in our district and at KIJ!!
My current favorite website, Little Bits, is full of inspiring ideas with engineering. PBL lesson plans and critical thinking with engineering are fun for kids.
Contact me for more information!
Contributing Editor,
KI Jones,
Teach for Success
Hightower on Scene
Hello my fellow colleagues! My name is James Hightower and I am delighted to be participating in this collaborative effort with all of you.
Introducing Stephanie Wheeler
Hi, I'm Stephanie and I'm the Principal at Crescent Elementary School in Suisun City. This is my eighth year at Crescent. One of the wonderful things about being at Crescent for eight years is being able to see the students begin as Kindergarten students and grow and mature over the years.
Check out our website! Crescent Elementary School website.
Check out our website! Crescent Elementary School website.
Introducing Martha
I am pleased to be working with the amazing ATTENDANCE task force group and am committed to developing successful strategies to improve attendance.
Martha Lacy
Principal DavidWeirPreparatory
Martha Lacy
Principal DavidWeirPreparatory
I am Mario Landeros
I am happy to be part of the FSUSD Focus Task Groups. Specifically I am part of the Teach 4 Success team. The goal of this group is to gather resources for sites to support the implementation of the four Teach for Success instructional strategies in order of researched importance--Communicating the Learning, Student Engagement, Academic Discourse, and Depth of Knowledge.
Mario Landeros
Assistant Principal @ RHS
Mario Landeros
Assistant Principal @ RHS
Introducing Julie
Excited to be working on the Technology committee!
Dan O. Root,
I am so excited to be contributing to this blog. I am currently the principal at Cleo Gordon, a Leader in Me School. I look forward to sharing the work of the Customer Service Team with you.
Megan Thole
Principal, Cleo Gordon Elementary
Megan Thole
Principal, Cleo Gordon Elementary
Cleo Gordon
Community Engagement is Golden!
Excited to be working with the CE team! Our community is a eager to empower our students to thrive in an ever-changing world!
Kelly Morgan Bartel here......
Assistant Superintendent of Business Services and anything else you need ;-)
Attendance Matters!
Visit the Student Services website for tips on getting students to school every day on time!
Hola if you hear me
I am David Gutierrez, Principal at B. Gale Wilson School that is a Dual Immersion K-8 school and a full 6-8 Middle School as well. Come by some time and say Hi, or Hola, if you hear me. :)
Introducing Rafael Soler
I can't believe I completed this task since I really don't know what I am doing. I clicked and clicked and somehow made it here! I am not sure if I will ever be able to get back. Blogs mystify me, and I can become easily confused. I am glad to be a part of this experience because it gets me out of my comfort zone.
Tolenas Elementary
Introducing Guest Blogger, Todd Bennett
I am pleased to be a new contributor to this blog. As the principal at Laurel Creek Elementary, I am very excited to be introducing Response to Intervention to our school. I am looking forward to sharing what we are learning both in the Task Force, and at Laurel Creek. If you have any questions about our progress, feel free to contact me at:
Contributing Editor,
Laurel Creek,
Technology Group Rocks!
Introducing John Pizzo
Looking forward to working with the Tech group today!
Looking forward to working with the Tech group today!
Introducing...Danny Gentry
I am happy to be a contributor to this blog. I am looking forward to sharing my perspective as a campus administrator to this blog. Currently, I am the principal of Rolling Hills Elementary in Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District.
Roxane J-Liu is in the house!
Hello all!
I'm Roxane Liu, Director of Elementary Education. I am thrilled to be a member of the PBIS team. Our team is the best!
I'm Roxane Liu, Director of Elementary Education. I am thrilled to be a member of the PBIS team. Our team is the best!
Contributing Editor
Introducing Dennis Foster
I am an assistant principal at Fairfield High School. This is one of my first steps at becoming more technologically savvy.
Learning new ways to communicate
Blogging😎: a new way for me to communicate with my great new district
Important Things
I have many important things to say.
* Look both ways when crossing the street.
* Okay, I only had one important thing to say.
* Look both ways when crossing the street.
* Okay, I only had one important thing to say.
Introducing Tim Goree
I'm excited to work with you on the Admin Task Force, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone have a blog!
Tim Goree, CCTO
Director of Technology Support Services
Twitter: @TimGoree
Tim Goree, CCTO
Director of Technology Support Services
Twitter: @TimGoree
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