At Cleo Gordon, we are using assessment to drive instruction. We have had data meetings to discuss observations and goals for our students. This year we have piloted the MAP assessment and look forward to using that data to help us set goals for SBAC!
Every month FSUSD administrators meet to discuss our progress toward our district's goals in several areas. Each task force group is responsible for coming up with action items to move their goal area forward toward achieving the goals outlined in our LCAP or Local Control Area Plan. As we complete tasks, evidence will be posted here using the task force group and school labels so that you can easily follow along with our progress.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Nelda Mundy - Customer Service
This has been a great opportunity to connect with parents in various settings. Including morning drop-off, I've met and established relationships through SST's, IEP's, and the 100 Mile Running Club.
It's been a win-win for our community overall.
Customer Service,
Nelda Mundy
Nelda Mundy - Community Engagement
We have established to establish relationships with both the Solono County Office of Education and Cordelia library. In conjunction with our Safety Committee they have agreed to be emergency evacuation centers for Nelda Mundy if circumstances dictates an evacuation of our facility.
In addition to including "Library News" in our parent newsletters during the month of March the library will be hosting several classrooms to their Dr. Suess reading event, March 3, 2016. This walking fieldtrip should be the first in an on-going series of Library-School events.
Community Engagement,
Nelda Mundy
Suisun Valley, Assessment
I have completed my SBAC schedule and shared it with Shelley. I will be doing my staff training at our staff meeting on April 5th.
Suisun Valley, Community Engagment
We completed our two week surveys using an Ipad in the front office and got all 30 done! Yeah!!
96% Here We Come!
Comets are working hard to earn their 96% attendance rate this year! Daily "Must Be Present To Win," treats are handed out and classes are celebrated weekly for high attendance rates. A pizza party was hosted with one class that had 100% attendance for a full week! We also announce classes with high attendance in our morning announcements and weekend messenger. Bulletin boards are monitoring grade level rates as well...remember,
Attend Today Achieve Tomorrow!
Cleo Gordon
Rolling Hills Writing Rubrics
Rolling Hills Writing Rubrics.
These are some writing rubrics that were posted with original student work in our classrooms:
These are some writing rubrics that were posted with original student work in our classrooms:
Rolling Hills,
Rolling Hills SAMR Technology Update
At our February staff meeting, we showed the SAMR video to our staff and held a discussion of what SAMR looks like in the classroom and shared out some examples.
Rolling Hills,
Rolling Hills Attendance Task Update
Rolling Hills used the Count Us In Toolkit and our staff chose to focus our efforts on attendance in providing parents with information. With the help and advice of our attendance liaison, we sent out an informational flier that detailed the reasons why you should keep your student home if they are sick and. We focused on the public health part of attendance because we felt that our parents are often confused as to when they should send their children to school and when they should keep them home.
Rolling Hills
The LEVEN partners with Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills is now a partner with the LEVEN organization in Fairfield. We are currently collecting the following items for them: construction paper, cookie cutters, play dough, water colors, tempera paint, paint brushes, scissors, glue sticks, glitter, pencils, graph paper, hand held pencil sharpeners, markers, dry erase markers, stamps for art projects.
Sorry we don't have a photo, but we will post one next time with the items we have collected for donation.
Sorry we don't have a photo, but we will post one next time with the items we have collected for donation.
PBIS at Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills is headed in a positive direction with its efforts towards implementing PBIS on our campus. We have currently had lots of success with our school-wide reward system. In our recent discussion with J.P. Gretlet, we detailed how this system is currently being utilized and how we have even helped another campus get their system started. The next step for Rolling Hills PBIS group will be to implement its "rollout" plan for Tier 1. This plan was developed at the last PBIS training and will involve the entire staff in taking the PBIS system into the classroom.
Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills is Teaching for Success!
Rolling Hills teachers reviewed the results of the fall WestEd T4S "Sweeps" data during the February staff meeting. The teachers understood that this was a "snippet" of time and that the data was limited. As a faculty, they agreed to continue to pursue professional development on: Academic Conversations, Depth of Knowledge, Student Engagement, and Learning Objectives. Based on the data collected so far this year, the staff, the principal, and the campus WestEd consultant have decided to put an emphasis on Depth of Knowledge as an area for focus and for professional development in the future.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Community Engagement
MGCCA has been on a mission in February to ensure all eligible students had a community based internship placement by the first week of March. I am so happy to say we met our goal! Students partner with the community through work based internships from 12:00-2:45 every Tuesday and Thursday. Some of the places our students are interning at are the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce, Fairfield Main Street Association, Fudruckers, The Right Place, Gala Event Rentals, Jim Fraizer's Office, FSUSD, Chez Soul, Farmers Insurance, and many more.
Community Engagement,
Matt Garcia CCA
CAASPP Training
CAASPP training was completed with Shelley and then teachers received training and completed affidavits. The school-wide testing calendar is underway and should be completed within the first week of March. Teachers have been encouraged to attend the professional development offered at the district office to ensure all teachers are ready to give the assessment in April.
Matt Garcia CCA
Attendance at MGCCA
Attendance has been a big focus at MGCCA. We have exceeded our monthly goals every month in both the middle and high school. We have recently begun a new incentive program which students can earn free dress passes, students who demonstrate perfect attendance every month will earn this coveted reward, recognition on the daily announcements and a spot on the shout out board.
Matt Garcia CCA
Crescent's Thanks to The Athenian Grill
Crescent is very grateful to The Athenian Grill for their partnership in recognizing students who have improved in Academics, Attendance and Character Traits. Thank you for donating special meals to each student for their hard work.
T4S...baseline and beyond!
The staff at Cleo Gordon has been working this year on becoming more familiar with the new observation tool, as well as, the Academic Conversation Planning Tool. We have spent several Profession Development sessions unpacking the standards, discussing DOK, and how to write grade level objectives that bring all of this together. At the fall weep, nine classrooms were swept and as a staff we looked at the data at both the IPR and at staff meetings.
We have several areas to improve upon, but we are determined to be successful. At our staff meeting on January 5th, teams compared the old observation tool with the new one. Each team noticed immediately that the new tool is focused on student engagement and learning. Spring sweeps are coming and we anticipate growth from the first visit this year.
We have several areas to improve upon, but we are determined to be successful. At our staff meeting on January 5th, teams compared the old observation tool with the new one. Each team noticed immediately that the new tool is focused on student engagement and learning. Spring sweeps are coming and we anticipate growth from the first visit this year.
Cleo Gordon...A Community of Writers!
We are proud to say that writing has been a hot topic at Cleo Gordon for several years now.
The writing survey was completed at Cleo Gordon, and we are excited about our baseline data. 80% of our classrooms had writing and rubrics on the wall! 20% are working on it!
The writing survey was completed at Cleo Gordon, and we are excited about our baseline data. 80% of our classrooms had writing and rubrics on the wall! 20% are working on it!
Cleo Gordon,
Customer Service at Cleo Gordon
In the past few weeks, our Leaders conducted a Customer Service Survey with families. On a 1-4 scale (1 disagree, 2 Somewhat, 3 Agree and 4 Strongly Agree). We asked about the experience they had when coming to the school.
30 English surveys were conducted and 28 Spanish.
Here are our results:
The school has a clean and welcoming environment
English: 3.4
Spanish: 3.5
Parent and community information is accessible
English: 3.3
Spanish: 3.5
I received a friendly greeting from office staff
English: 3.5
Spanish: 3.5
My needs were met
English: 3.3
Spanish: 3.3
We now have some data to help us refine and continue to grow as a school.
30 English surveys were conducted and 28 Spanish.
Here are our results:
The school has a clean and welcoming environment
English: 3.4
Spanish: 3.5
Parent and community information is accessible
English: 3.3
Spanish: 3.5
I received a friendly greeting from office staff
English: 3.5
Spanish: 3.5
My needs were met
English: 3.3
Spanish: 3.3
We now have some data to help us refine and continue to grow as a school.
PBIS at Cleo Gordon...A Leader In Me School!
JP came to the site on January 21 and discussed current systems in place at Cleo Gordon that support PBIS. We are a Leader in Me school embracing the 7 Habits of Leaders. This aligns perfectly with PBIS.
At Cleo, we have visible school wide expectations such as a Voice Rubric and rules for designated areas of campus posted. We celebrate students each month honoring Leaders, Readers, and students who demonstrate kindness. In the classroom, our school vision is proudly displayed and each student signs this commitment to themselves and one another.
We hope to be using SWIS in the 2016-17 school year. A possible task for the spring will be to create Public Service Announcement videos with students modeling the expected behaviors in our communal areas.
Cleo Gordon,
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Community Engagement at Sheldon Academy
Through our Genius Hour that occurs each week on Wednesdays, our students have the opportunity to choose their own learning. Some choose community service projects. Monique and Eliza are just finishing up their Clothing Drive for Mission Solano. Check out our blog to get more details...
Community Engagement,
Sheldon Academy
Friday, February 26, 2016
Community Engagement
Thank you to our local Starbucks for providing coffee for our monthly Coffee Chat with the Principal meetings.
Community Engagement,
Crystal MS
Parent Engagement at David A. Weir
David A. Weir ran a query for the foster and homeless
children in which attend our school. The query produced over 35 student names! We then sent personal letters
and reached out to some parents by phone offering support, resources, and encouragement
to partner with our school in helping to create more opportunities for their
student. December through January, DAW also hosted a school wide fundraiser for the NEU Charity
called Together We Rise – in which WEIR raised over $1,000 dollars for foster teens in the Fairfield and Suisun area. We
can’t wait to see the outcome of these heartfelt gesture!
Parent Engagement
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Anna Kyle Teach For Success
Teach For Success:
Completed sharing of Fall T4S data on Tuesday, February 2nd at our staff meeting. Comments from the discussions regarding the data were as follows:
Completed sharing of Fall T4S data on Tuesday, February 2nd at our staff meeting. Comments from the discussions regarding the data were as follows:
- Teachers have a concern with the number of classrooms that were visited to represent our site.
- Areas of strength: engagement, responding overtly to teacher direction
- Areas of improvement: building on others statements, higher Depth Of Knowledge areas, academic conversations
Anna Kyle,
Teach for Success
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Attendance at Sheldon Academy
At Sheldon Academy, we provided free spirit t-shirts to students who had perfect attendance during the first trimester for students in k-5. For students in 6th-8th grades, we had a DJ party for perfect attendance. We will do the same for this trimester.
Sheldon Academy
SAMR at Sheldon Academy
We have been trained on the SAMR model. Our awesome Ed Tech, Andy Meyer, has presented the model at multiple trainings. Implementation of the SAMR model is in full swing at our school.
Sheldon Academy,
Writing Survey at Grange
For our Writing Data Collection task, 39 classrooms were surveyed to determine a baseline for posted student writing examples and rubrics. Current writing was found in 41% of the classrooms, with 10% of the total classrooms (25% of those with work on display) posting a corresponding rubric.
One of the best examples was found in 8th grade Social Studies- it is clear that the criteria for a quality piece of written work was incorporated into each step of the writing process. BTW, this teacher has participated in the Area 3 History Social-Science Project hosted at UC Davis and has learned a great deal about Common Core instruction that integrates History content standards and CCSS Literacy standards! (A plug for that professional development opportunity...)
Other examples of writing seen in classrooms during this data collection include:
One of the best examples was found in 8th grade Social Studies- it is clear that the criteria for a quality piece of written work was incorporated into each step of the writing process. BTW, this teacher has participated in the Area 3 History Social-Science Project hosted at UC Davis and has learned a great deal about Common Core instruction that integrates History content standards and CCSS Literacy standards! (A plug for that professional development opportunity...)
Other examples of writing seen in classrooms during this data collection include:
Grange has recently gone 1:1 with devices, so a new challenge will be to continue to make student work visible even while it's stored in the "cloud" of cyberspace. We will need to focus on utilizing tools such as the Google Add-on "Goobric" to help students more fully understand the characteristics of high-quality writing, have opportunities for self-evaluation, and focus on feedback rather than final grades!
Sweep Data
At CMS we have shared the sweep data with our staff at a faculty meeting and department chair meeting. Our Department Chairs have participated in 4 sessions of C4S walkthroughs and training with our coach Angie.
Crystal MS,
Teach for Success
Customer Service Matters!
At CMS customer service matters! Our community can complete the customer service survey with use of a chrome book at our front desk.
Crystal MS,
Customer Service
Discovering the SAMR Model
We opened our February Faculty Meeting with this SAMR introduction video. This was a great reminder for those who are using a lot of technology and a great introduction for those who are just "dipping their toes" into the 21st century learning pool!
Crystal MS,
PBIS...Year 2!
Had a great meeting with J.P. We discussed our SET Assessment. We look forward to growing as a PBIS school!
Crystal MS,
SAMR and Tech Integration at Nelda Mundy
At our first staff meeting, we showed the SAMR in 120 Seconds video and did some work linking SAMR to DOK and Blooms. Since then, and with the support of our AMAZING Ed Tech Specialist, we have seen the level and rigor for technology integration increase significantly. Currently, there are a handful of classes who reach Redefinition regularly through SKYPE, coding, and the use of Spheros and Ozobots. We're so excited to see how technology continues to be integrated into our classroom instruction!
PBIS Update at Nelda Mundy
Nelda Mundy - Customer Service Survey
We have established a designated area (Conference Room)for parents to take the survey. More importantly, I am utilizing the devices as a method of outreach by hand carrying a chromebook and introducing myself to parents as a method to kick-start a relationship!
Customer Service,
Nelda Mundy
Nelda Mundy - Response To Intervention
We have just completed the RTi survey and will support our Nelda Mundy staff with an RTi Powerpoint presentation during our March faculty meeting. We will also embed the PPT into this weeks faculty newsletter as a pre-amble.
Nelda Mundy,
Attendance Matters!
CMS 7th & 8th grade teachers hold a tardy challenge every 2 weeks. The classes with the least amount of tardies receive prizes which vary from early release to lunch and yummy goodies!
On our website you will see this awesome video reminding students and families that Attendance Matters!
On our website you will see this awesome video reminding students and families that Attendance Matters!
Crystal MS
Training for CAASPP
Our CMS staff will be participating in two CAASPP trainings during March and April Faculty Meetings. Both administrators have attended trainings provided by Shelley and Shelley will provide a hands on training to staff April 5th. CAASPP here we come!
Crystal MS
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Parent Engagement
We have three cadets who are listed as "foster" in the system. All three are doing well academically and socially at PSA. When we reached out to families, we learned that two of the three cadets have now actually been adopted!
Parent Engagement,
Public Safety Academy
The Write Stuff
At PSA, the writing's on the wall. Well, some of it, anyway. In my travels through classrooms, I have found that 37.6% of classrooms have current student writing samples displayed. However, we are 1:1 with student devices, and many teachers are choosing to go paperless. Students store their writing digitally in Google Classroom and e-portfolios. In 33.3% of the classes, students write digitally. Our P.E. classes write daily, and they comprise 12.5% of our classes. Due to the lack of classroom space, their writing is stored in notebooks. Check out this example of digital writing from one of the English classes by clicking here.
Public Safety Academy,
Nelda Mundy - Foster Youth
This has been a great experience. We discovered that 4 of our 6 Foster Youth had been adopted since the beginning of the school year, which was great news. We were also able to connect through both the personal letter home and phone call with the other family (2 kids). Through this process we have now begun to communicate with our "overflow" families ahead of them arriving to our campus which continues the "personal touch" that this was intended.
Foster Youth,
Nelda Mundy,
Parent Engagement
Attendance Incentive - Nelda Mundy
Already having strong attendance we are really excited about our next steps for improvement. beginning in March we have developed and are rewarding students Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Parents are involved through notification in our newsletter and recognition of their child for perfect attendance weekly and monthly. With an overall (yearly) goal of 97.50 we feel confident these steps will continue us on our way.
Nelda Mundy
Monday, February 22, 2016
Sample Assessment Plan/Schedule
Hello RtI Followers -
This is one of my first posts!! Woo-hoo! I am providing a link to a folder to place your site's School-wide Assessment Plan - if you have one.
Assessment Plan Folder
This is one of my first posts!! Woo-hoo! I am providing a link to a folder to place your site's School-wide Assessment Plan - if you have one.
Assessment Plan Folder
CAASPP Training
All PSA teachers have had the introductory CAASPP training and have signed their affidavits. The information has been forwarded to Shelley so TOMS accounts can be created. We will be working on creating our school-wide testing schedule at the meeting scheduled for 2/26/16.
Public Safety Academy
PBIS at Laurel Creek
We met with JP on Feb. 18 to discuss where we are in our first year of PBIS implementation & what our next steps should be. We currently have
redesigned our referrals in accordance with the SWIS system and will begin
collecting data to help direct our efforts associated with PBIS. We have created “Shark Bites” rewards tickets
to be given out when a staff member sees a student following the rules, and teachers
have created lesson plans for common areas of the campus.
Our next steps will be:
-Decide on the actual rewards
associated with the “Shark Bites”
- Create large signs with school
rules for hallways
-Create a power point or video for
staff to use when teaching the school rules
-Look at options and begin planning
for school-wide PBIS kickoff next fall.
Laurel Creek,
T4S Fall Sweeps Data at Laurel Creek
We have shared the Fall Sweeps Data at Laurel Creek with all of our teachers. T4S has been a focus this year of our on-site professional development. We have a Coach for Success Team, made up of volunteer teachers. Our focus this year has been on writing effective objectives, facilitating academic discourse, and increase the Depth of Knowledge in our daily lessons and activities.
Laurel Creek,
Teach for Success
Parent Engagement at Laurel Creek
On February 10, 2016, we sent personal letters, offering support and information on resources, to the families of
students who are currently living with someone other than a parent. SSTs have also been held with several of these families and resources were provided them, specifically
Healthy Families Referrals, help with applications to PAL, information on the
food and clothes closets at PAL, parenting class through PAL, and the homework
hotline through Solano County Library.
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