Monday, May 2, 2016

Customer Service at Sem Yeto

During a staff meeting, Sem Yeto administration discussed the results/findings of our customer service survey given out to parents who came in to our campus offices.  Overall, we had an 85% positive rating on the surveys taken at both campuses.  After reviewing the information, the staff shared the fact that they do not always see or hear about the positives interactions taking place on our campuses with families. 

Below are some of the comments parents and visitors stated on their survey's:

"Everyone from staff to students were polite and friendly. I didn't know what to expect but I was delighted."

"The staff has made every attempt to get my student on track. You can't help someone who doesn't want it! Thank you for all your efforts."

"Yes I am so happy. They help my son it mean the world to me. Thank you to everyone."

"Always get the info I need from staff!"

"I really appreciate how friendly the staff was and happy to sit down with me right away to work with my son."