Sunday, May 1, 2016

Perfect Attendance @FHS

At Fairfield High we recognize the importance of acknowledging and reinforcing student accomplishments. On April 15th all students that had perfect attendance for the month of March were awarded a certificate, an early out to lunch pass, and an otter pop at the "Perfect Attendance Station." Student helpers were working the otter pop station and commented that they really liked the idea of recognizing perfect attendance. The 103 students that were recognized had not missed a day of school for March and were not tardy to any classes for the entire month.

Looking into the 2016-2017 school year we are going to provide incentives monthly for students that demonstrate both perfect attendance and improved attendance. We are also going to be incorporating incentives for students that attend school events such as games and rallies. We feel that with more student spirit and camaraderie, our attendance rates will also improve. We will continue to work closely with our attendance liaison and develop attendance plans for each of our chronically absent students. Identifying and meeting with the students and parents early in the year will help counteract the truancy problems.

Connecting all 9th grade students with a senior buddy through Link Crew is another process we will be implementing for the 2016-2017 school year.