Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Writing Survey at Grange

For our Writing Data Collection task, 39 classrooms were surveyed  to determine a baseline for posted student writing examples and rubrics. Current writing was found in 41% of the classrooms, with 10% of the total classrooms (25% of those with work on display) posting a corresponding rubric.

One of the best examples was found in 8th grade Social Studies- it is clear that the criteria for a quality piece of written work was incorporated into each step of the writing process. BTW, this teacher has participated in the Area 3 History Social-Science Project hosted at UC Davis and has learned a great deal about Common Core instruction that integrates History content standards and CCSS Literacy standards! (A plug for that professional development opportunity...)

Other examples of writing seen in classrooms during this data collection include:

Grange has recently gone 1:1 with devices, so a new challenge will be to continue to make student work visible even while it's stored in the "cloud" of cyberspace. We will need to focus on utilizing tools such as the Google Add-on "Goobric" to help students more fully understand the characteristics of high-quality writing, have opportunities for self-evaluation, and focus on feedback rather than final grades!